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Sunday, August 3, 2014

School Production:

Thank you to those who attended last Wednesday's catch-up.  We discussed a few things for this term.

This year's School Production is a Western Musical.  Parents, please keep in mind any clothing that may be suitable for your child’s costume, i.e. checked shirts, jeans, vests, and cowboy hats.  Notices will be sent  out from the school in due course.

Maths Week is 11-16th August and parents are invited to compete alongside the children on the morning of Thursday, 15th August for a team Maths event from 11am. We need parents from each class to be represented, so if you are interested, please speak to Mandy Houseman (Years 0-1), Jenny Brabant (Years 2-3), Lisa Cruz (Years 4-5), or Chrissy Wadsworth (Year 6) if you can come along.

Hygiene:  The children have all been asked to keep the spread of coughs and colds to a minimum by using the hand sanitizer gel and tissues supplied in each classroom, and by coughing/sneezing into their “armbows”. Good correct washing of their hands also goes a long way to prevent germs from spreading. Please regularly encourage your children to do these simply things - they really work!

Social Parent Dinner:  We are organising our first social parent dinner this term.  This will be a great opportunity to meet other parents and grandparents.  The date and venue is still to be confirmed so watch this space…

 Next catch-up  is Wednesday, 14 August 2 pm at the school. ALL WELCOME.